Summer University Course 2022: New Frontiers in Romani Studies - Extended Deadline

January 14, 2022

The Application for "New Frontiers in Romani Studies: Insights from Critical Race Theory" Summer University Course is Open

UPDATE: We are pleased to announce that the Romani Studies Program at Central European University is offering a limited number of scholarships for Romani applicants (who are not from OSUN institutions) to the summer course : New Frontiers in Romani Studies: Insights from Critical Race Theory.  Financial aid is available on a competitive basis for Romani applicants (who are not from OSUN institutions)  and to those who are currently enrolled students or are employees of OSUN member institutions.


Course date: June 27–July 8, 2022
Application deadline: MARCH 15, 2022 - DEADLINE EXTENDED!
New Frontiers in Romani Studies: Insights from Critical Race Theory offers a pioneering intellectual inquiry into the dynamics, varieties, and antagonisms of racialization and racial oppression of Romani people in relation to other racialized populations.

The course examines the links between gender, race, and class in the past and present era of global capitalism and the impact of marketization, financialization on racialized groups, such as Roma. Through the course participants will critically explore the historical formation of intersected racialized and gendered manifestations of oppression at the global and local level.

The summer school addresses the following questions:

What are the insights and limitations of applying critical race theory to the studying the situation of Roma in Eastern European societies?
What are the manifestations and patterns of anti-Romani racisms?
How is it reproduced in different areas of public life?
How could enduring forms of racial injustice be tackled?

Summer Course Instructors

Angéla Kóczé, Central European University
Eddie Bruce-Jones, Birkbeck College, University of London
Tommaso Vitale, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris
Faye Venetia Harrison, University of Illinois
Margareta Matache, Harvard University
Colin Clark, University of West Scotland
Mathias Möschel, Central European University
Cengiz Barskanmaz, Max Planck Institute Social Anthropology
Márton Rövid, Central European University

To learn more and apply:
