Conference and exhibition on anti-Roma racism in Stockholm

January 23, 2025

The conference titled “Antigypsyism: History and Memory, held at Södertörn University in Stockholm, 2-3 December 2024, brought together leading scholars and practitioners from the fields of Critical Romani Studies and antigypsyism research. The conference addressed the historical roots and contemporary forms of anti-Roma racism, including the Roma Holocaust. Keynote speakers included Ian Hancock, Ari Joskowicz, and Ioanida Costache 

Marton Rovid, visiting professor of the Romani Studies Program at CEU, participated in the roundtable discussion The Future of Critical Romani Studies and Antigypsyism Research: Sweden and Beyond, together with Sunita Memetovic (Uppsala University), Dezso Mate (Research Center on Antigypsyism, Heidelberg University), Iulius Rostas, and Ioanida Costache (Stanford University). 

Z+46 Young Roma in Sweden, 80 years after the Holocaust opened in Stockholm in December 2024. In the concentration camps of the Holocaust, Roma people were tattooed with a “Z” followed by a combination of numbers. It was part of the systematic dehumanization where people were reduced to numbers. The exhibition addressed the questions How are we, young Roma, living in Sweden today? In what ways has history shaped us? What are our thoughts and dreams? 

Z+46 is part of the government assignment “To Prevent and Counter Anti-Roma discrimination” managed by the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society (MUCF). The exhibition was produced in collaboration with the Association of Common Roma International Federation (GRIF). Four young Roma were engaged as ambassadors. They participated in workshops to learn about Roma history and exchange ideas and experiences. Valeria Redjepagic, alumna of the Roma Graduate Preparation Program, was the curator of the exhibition.  

