Extended deadline: March 5, 2018
Deadline for applications: February 20, 2018
Central European University’s Romani Studies Program (RSP) and Christ’s College Cambridge invite applications from current RSP students and alumni for a one-week long study visit at the Christ’s College Cambridge (http://www.christs.cam.ac.uk/).
This could be a great opportunity for two promising students to familiarize themselves with the academic environment of one of the world’s leading universities, especially for those who might consider applying for programs in the UK.
The study visit will occur in the Spring Term 2018 and will last one week. The two successful applicants will attend lectures, meet students and faculty of the University and the College, as well as the College’s Admissions Tutor to discuss what may constitute a successful application to Cambridge or other universities in the UK.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please send us a one-page motivation letter and CV at romanistudies@ceu.edu by February 20, 2018. Only students with an excellent academic record at RGPP and/or a Masters program will be considered. If you are currently enrolled in an MA program, please send us a transcript of grades to date. Graduates of MA programs should send a full transcript.
Priority will be given to applicants considering applying for MA or doctoral study at universities in the UK, and especially at the University of Cambridge. After the study visit, the successful candidates will share their experiences with the current RGPP cohort.
This study visit is funded by Christ’s College and the Romani Studies Program and organized by Professor Gabor Betegh, formerly of CEU, now at Cambridge.
Inquiries can be made at romanistudies@ceu.edu.
We are looking forward to receiving your applications!