Internship at Romaversitas Foundation
Budapest, Hungary (September 2017 - June 2018)
I was doing research on the topic of Roma identity and career development among Romaversitas alumni. I made eight interviews with former Romaversitas students. In addition, I was working as an administrative assistant for Romaversitas as well.
I learned how to conduct my own research, including preparation, interviewing and analyzing interviews and how to manage my own research.
How does the internship advance your future career?
The internship helped me to develop skills which are important for research. (preparation, interviewing, analyzing the interviews). Furthermore, this research project helped me to improve my time and project management skills as well.
Future plans:
I study Political Science at CEU. This is my second year. After my MA I would like to earn some work experience and after I may apply to Ph.D.