Extended application deadline: 15 March 2021
The Romani Studies Program at Central European University invites applications for the Book Manuscript Write-Up Fellowships. The fellowship aims at enabling authors to finalize the manuscript of an English-language scholarly book that applies critical theories studying the oppression, emancipation, and resistance of Romani people. The fellowship begins in 15th of Apryl 2021 and the completed manuscripts are to be submitted by the 30th of June 2021. The fellowship amounts to 1500 Euros.
Eligibility criteria
- PhD degree or being enrolled in a PhD program
- At least one academic article published in English
- Advanced manuscript of monograph (circa 80 percent of chapters completed)
Selection criteria
- Quality of book proposal
- Academic track record
- Scholars of Romani origin are particularly encouraged to apply
- Final and complete book manuscript by 30th of June 2021
- Presentation of the book manuscript at Central European University
- Midterm progress report and regular updates
Application dossier
- CV with publications
- Book proposal indicating which chapters have been completed and which ones need to be written. Please indicate whether you have already approached or contracted with a publisher.
- One English language paper published possibly in an international academic peer-reviewed journal
Applicants should submit all documents of the application package as a single PDF file sent by email to res@ceu.edu with the following subject line: RSP Book Manuscript Write-Up Fellowship.
Central European University (CEU) is a graduate research-intensive university specializing in the social sciences, humanities, law, public policy and management. It is located in Budapest and Vienna, and accredited in the United States, Austria and Hungary. CEU’s mission is to promote academic excellence, state-of-the-art research, research-based teaching and learning and civic engagement, in order to contribute to the development of open societies in Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and other emerging democracies throughout the world.
The Romani Studies Program (RSP) at CEU is an independent academic unit set up in 2017. RSP aims at engaging scholars, policymakers, and activists in interdisciplinary knowledge production and debate on Roma identity and movement; antigypsyism; social justice and policy-making; gender politics, and structural inequality.