Simona Toroțcoi

RGPP Academic Tutor/Mentor

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Simona received her PhD in Political Science from the Central European University (CEU) as a Yehuda Elkana Fellow. Her PhD dissertation titled “From International Commitments to Institutional Reality – The Case of Higher Education Policy in Europe" focuses on explaining the implementation gap of voluntary, commonly agreed social inclusion and quality policies within the European Higher Education Area. Simona received her MA degree in Public Policy from CEU with a specialization in Higher Education Policy. Simona also holds a MSc. in Public Administration from Leiden University. 

In 2016 she joined CEU to teach Introduction to Public Policy for RGPP, a program she was part of back in 2011. In the 2020-2021 academic year, Simona was Global Teaching Fellow at Bard College Berlin, where she tutored in the OLIve Program and has taught several BA levels courses (such as the one on Equlity and Inclusion Policies in Europe).