Resources for August 2 - Holocaust Memorial Day for Roma and Sinti

July 30, 2024

Learn, Remember, Educate 

Resources for August 2 -  Holocaust Memorial Day for Roma and Sinti

For many decades, the victims and survivors of Roma and Sinti Holocaust has been receiving the respect and recognition they deserve. Roma and Sinti witnesses were not included in the Nuremberg trials and the perpetrators were not held accountable. The memory of the Roma and Sinti Holocaust has been largely missing from the European collective memory, including museum and educational curriculums.

To mark August 2, we have collected some educational resources and key advocacy efforts:

-READ: Critical Romani Studies Journal - VOL. 4 NO. 2 (2021): Roma Holocaust, Memory, and Representation: Download the issue for free: 

- READ: "Hosszú az Út Előttem". The Book captures the life history interviews of Daróczi Ágnes is out! The volume of the Tenyek es Tanuk is edited by Angela Kocze, based on her interviews and notes, and published by Magvető. Learn more: 

-LISTEN: REVDEM podcast with Angela Kocze: 

- VISIT: "The Forgotten Archive" 

To learn more about the 2024 event other Roma organziations with the lead of RSP alumni organize for the recognition of August 2, visit their websites:

  1. Dikh He Na Bister: 
  2. ERIAC:
  3. UCCU:
  4. Chiricli:

Additional resources:

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: 

