
Representations of Roma - Between the myths and Roma realities by Ramona Maria Cara

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With the goal of challenging the media misrepresentations of the Roma in Europe, this seminar focuses on the social exclusion of the Roma in Europe enabled in part by the pervasiveness of negative stereotypes in the mainstream media and the creative industry, where Roma are usually depicted as lazy, dishonest, and dirty.

The epistemic, institutional and political development of Roma contemporary art by Timea Junghaus

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The Roma cultural movement and its central notion Roma contemporary art have been one of the most efficient vehicles in the past four decades for the exploration of Roma subjectivities.

Race, Justice, Solidarity: A Critical Inquiry into the Pro-Roma Global Civil Society by Márton Rövid

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Over the past two decades, in the wake of post-communist transition, the emergence of Romani activism has been an important development accompanying political changes in Central and Eastern Europe. Alongside the emergence of Romani associations, international NGOs have been increasingly involved in the struggle against the discrimination of Roma. A special microcosm has developed within global civil society that is specialized in the so-called ‘Roma issue’, comprising non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations, expert bodies, foundations, activists and politicians.