Katinka comes from Hungary. She graduated from Eötvös Loránd University in 2023 with a BA in German Studies. Her thesis focused on the historical and literary aspects of the Roma Holocaust. Now, she is studying at the Roma Graduate Preparation Program (RGPP) taking tutorial in history and Romani language to deepen her research on the Porrajmos. Katinka is going to apply to a 2-year MA program in Historical studies.
Michal Mizigar comes from the Czech Republic. He graduated from RGPP in 2018. He applied to RGPP to study English, broaden his horizons in an international environment, and connect with other Roma from Europe. Michal received significant support throughout the program. He highly recommends RGPP to other young Roma with a BA degree as a great investment for those considering an MA in English and aiming to improve their career prospects in English-speaking environments.