Critical Romani Studies - Book Series

  Critical Romani Studies Book Series

This book series aims to bring together emerging new interdisciplinary scholarship by Romani and non-Romani critical scholars within and outside of Romani Studies. The series galvanizes cross-dialogues between various regions, disciplines, ideas, approaches, and methodologies to expand the spatial-temporal and conceptual realm of critical Romani Studies. The book series critically examines the intersectional racialization of Roma as well as different forms of deep-rooted patterns of structural racial/classed/gendered exclusions, oppressions and inequalities.

Series Editors: Angela Kóczé (CEU) and Márton Rövid (CEU)

Editorial Board of the series: Colin Clark, University of the West of Scotland; Margareta Matache, Harvard University; Jan Selling, Södertörn University; Annabel Tremlett, University of Portsmouth

Please visit the publisher's website for more details: