Faculty Book Reviews

Highlighted here are book reviews by CEU Romani Studies Program faculty covering literature on the field of Romani Studies,
arranged by date of publication.


Historicizing Roma in Central Europe: Between Critical Whiteness and Epistemic Injustice. Edited by Victoria Shmidt and Bernadette Nadya Jaworsky. Published in London and New York by Routledge (2021). 

Book Review by Angéla Kóczé

Published in the Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, Volume 30, Issue 2. 20 June 2022, Pgs. 303-305.

Link to the full book review on-line at the publisher's website: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/25739638.2022.2089386  


Racial Cities: Governance and the Segregation of Romani People in Urban Europe. Author: Giovanni Picker. Published in London and New York by Routledge (2017).

Book Review by Angéla Kóczé

Published in Critical Romani Studies, Volume 1, Number 2. 2018. pp.176-180 


From Victimhood to Citizenship: The Path of Roma Integration (A Debate). Edited by Will Guy. Authors András Biro, Nicholae Gheorge, Martin Kovats. Kossuth Kiadó (2013).

Book Review by Angéla Kóczé

Published in Populism, Memory and Minority Rights: Central and Eastern European Perspective. Brill: Nijhoff, 2018, pp. 60-67.


Gypsies and Travellers: Empowerment and Inclusion in British Society. Edited by Joanna Richardson and Andrew Ryder. Policy Press; Illustrated edition (12 Sept. 2012)

Book Review by Márton Rövid

Published in Roma Rights, No. 1, 2014.

Full text here: http://www.errc.org/uploads/upload_en/file/roma-rights-1-2014-going-nowh... 


Who Speaks for Roma?: Political Representation of a Transnational Minority Community. Author, Aidan McGarry. Continuum Press; 1st edition (23 February 2012)

Book Review by Márton Rövid

Published in Nations and Nationalism, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2011.