Faculty Journal Articles

Highlighted here are notable contributions to academic journals by CEU Romani Studies Program faculty on the field of Romani Studies, arranged by date of publication.


VAJNAI, V., SZABÓ, L. & GULYA, N. (2022). Vízió, vágy, ideológia: a szülők idegennyelv-tanulással kapcsolatos motívumai. [Vision, desire, ideology: Parental motives concerning foreign language learning.] Iskolakultúra32 (6), 104–111. 


VAJNAI, V., SZÉLL, K. & FEHÉRVÁRI, A. (2022). Nyelvtanulás és eredményesség a magyar közoktatásban. [Foreign language learning and achievement in the Hungarian public education system.] Educatio 31(1), 104-112. DOI: 10.1556/2063.31.2022.1.8 


Lois Orton, Olga Fuseni, Angéla Kóczé, Marton Rövid, Sarah Salway, (2021) ‘Researching the health and social inequalities experienced by European Roma populations: complicity, oppression and resistance’, Sociology of Health & Illness, Article DOI: 10.1111/1467-9566.13411 



Kóczé, A., (2021) ‘“Ally” or “enemy”? Law and the forced and coerced sterilization of Romani women’Juridikum, 2021, Issue 4, pp 539-547. 



Rövid, Márton: “From tackling antigypsyism to remedying racial injustice”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Volume 45, Issue 9, DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2021.1972126, 2021.


FEHÉRVÁRI, A. & VAJNAI, V. (2021). Roma diákok iskoláztatása. Válogatás Liskó Ilona munkásságából. [The education of Roma pupils: A selection of Ilona Liskó’s research.] Educatio 30(3), 558– 563. DOI: 10.1556/2063.30.2021.3.15 


Kóczé, A., and Chirițoiu, A. (2020) “What’s the Point of Studying Kinship if You Don’t Connect It to the Broader Power Structure?’A Dialogue.” Martor 25: 165-171.


Rövid, Márton with Angéla Kóczé: “The Europeanisation of Racial Neoliberalism: The Case of ››Roma‹‹ and ››Refugees‹‹” in: Dimensions of Antigypsyism in Europe edited by: I. Cortés Gómez and M. End, European Network Against Racism - Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, Brussels, 2019.


Angéla Kóczé (2018) “Race, migration and neoliberalism: distorted notions of Romani migration in European public discourses”, Social Identities, 24:4, 459-473, DOI: 10.1080/13504630.2017.1335827


Rövid, Márton: ”The Genesis of the ”Roma Issue” and the Transnational Roma Movement” in: Direction: Future. 25 Years of Freedom and the Roma People, edited by Slawomir Kapralski, Malgorzata Kolaczek, Joanna Talewicz-Kwiatkowska, Krakow, Jagiellonian University Press, 2018.


Kóczé, A.  et al. (2017) ‘Gender, ethnicity and activism: 'the miracle is when we don't give up...'’Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 2017 VOL. 24, NO. 6, DOI:



Kóczé, A.  (2017) ‘Race, migration and neoliberalism: distorted notions of Romani migration in European public discourses’, Social Identities, DOI: 10.1080/13504630.2017.1335827

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13504630.2017.1335827


Kóczé, A. and Rövid, M. (2017) ‘Roma and the politics of double discourse in contemporary Europe’, Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 684-701. DOI:/10.1080/1070289X.2017.1380338


Tremlett, A., V Messing & A. Kóczé (2017) ‘Romaphobia and the media: mechanisms of power and the politics of representations’, Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 2017 VOL. 24, NO. 6, 641–649. DOI:/10.1080/1070289X.2017.1380270


Rövid, Márton: “Bordering, mobility, citizenship: Preliminary notes on the impact of the ‘refugee crisis’ on ‘Roma’ representations” in: Beyond the Roma Holocaust: From Resistance to Mobilisation, edited by T. M. Buchsbaumand S. Karpalski, Cracow: Universitas, 2017.


Rövid, Márton with Iulius Rostas, and Marek Szilvási ”On Roma Civil Society, Roma Inclusion, and Roma Participation”, Roma Rights, No. 2, 2015.


Rövid, Márton: “Solidarity, Citizenship, Democracy: The Lessons of Romani Activism” In: European Yearbook of Minority Issues, Volume 10, edited by Dieter Halwachs, Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2013.


Rövid, Márton: ”Options of Roma Political Participation and Representation”, Roma Rights, No. 1, 2012.


Rövid, Márton, and Angéla Kóczé. “Pro-Roma global civil society: acting for, with or instead of Roma?” In Global Civil Society 2012: Ten Years of Critical Reflection, edited by M. Kaldor, H. L. Moore and S. Selchow. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.


Rövid, Márton: “One-Size-Fits-All-Roma? On the Normative Dilemmas of the Emerging European Roma Policy”, Romani Studies, Vol. 21. No. 1, 2011.


Rövid, Márton (with Miklós Bárczi, Kinga Szabó, Noémi Kakucs) “The Representation of Roma Holocaust in Hungarian High-School Textbooks” in: Recommendations for Roma Holocaust Education, 2007.