Integrált társadalomismeret [Integrated Social Studies]

JAKAB, GY. & VAJNAI, V. (2006) Integrált társadalomismeret. [Integrated Social Studies.] Budapest: Országos Közoktatási Intézet. 

The textbook Integral social studies differs in many aspects from other course material. Its main goal is to deal with social issues that interests students, as independently as possible. Active social and political participation does not begin at the age of 18. It is worthwhile and important for students to deal with the basic issues of social coexistence already at school, since the democratic approach and the various skills necessary for active citizenship can only be acquired in the long term, through personal experiences. In this sense, we perceive the school as a specific social practice space, where students not only receive theoretical training, but can also constantly test and train themselves in the school's more "protected" social practice: they can work independently or in groups on their own projects, interpret film excerpts and texts, and debate various current issues. about questions, they can make decision games and dramatic processing.