Roma Activism: Reimagining Power and Knowledge
New Directions in Romani Studies Book Series; Volume 1 

Series Editors: Huub van Baar (Leuven University) and Angéla Kóczé (CEU)
Volume Editors: Sam Beck (Cornell University) and Ana Ivasiuc (Philipps University, Germany)

Berghahn Books, 2018

Exploring contemporary debates and developments in Roma-related research and forms of activism, this volume argues for taking up reflexivity as practice in these fields, and advocates a necessary renewal of research sites, methods, and epistemologies. The contributors gathered here – whose professional trajectories often lie at the confluence between activism, academia, and policy or development interventions – are exceptionally well placed to reflect on mainstream practices in all these fields, and, from their particular positions, envision a reimagining of these practices.

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